Announcement: Training of PKM (Pelatihan PKM) 2011

Some of the proposers of PKM have been selected as the represented of Undiksha in PIMNAS 2011 at Makassar. One of the team is proudly from English Education Department. The team is led by Putu Ayu Sutraningrat Puspa Dewi. She and her team were also selected in the preceding PIMNAS.
D’you wanna be like her?
Let’s attend the workshop or training of PKM which is held by HMJ English Education Department. The event will be conducted at Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011 @Gedung Seminar Undiksha. The training will be trained by two experts. They are Mr. Sudiana, Dean Assistance III of FMIPA, and Luh Murniasih, the leaders of POKJA MIPA.
The registration will be served from now till July 27th, 2011 as you also have to submit your proposal at that time. The proposal can be made with your own group. For the registration, you can call Eka Sunu (the chair of the committee) @087860820491, Ferela @087860987337 or Mey @081916225015.
- The information about the submission of the proposal will be conveyed to your phone number. So, it’s very important to give your phone number when registration.
- The students who have got scholarship must make a proposal of PKM and also attend the workshop. If you won’t, your scholarship will be stopped. in addition, you won’t be allowed to propose the scholarship in the next change.
- The seats are limited to a hundred students. So, please come on! Register yourself to the committee!

The committee of PPKM EED 2011